Mobile devices are operated on higher frequency band, especially mm-wave recently.
The measurement environment for higher frequency and bigger size DUT demands the space (to secure the enough distance between DUT and measurement antennas) for the accuracy measurement.
Our Near-Field measurement system, which is compact solution, make you to measure the accurate electric-field of DUT near-field.
Our MATEOS software can convert its measurement date to far-field data.
Enable to install this into existing chamber room due to compact size.
Mobile devices are operated on higher frequency band, especially mm-wave recently.
The measurement environment for higher frequency and bigger size DUT demands the space (to secure the enough distance between DUT and measurement antennas)for the accuracy measurement.
Our Near-Field measurement system, which is compact solution, make you to measure the accurate electric-field of DUT near-field.
Our MATEOS software can convert its measurement date to far-field data.
Enable to install this into existing chamber room due to compact size.

Near-Field Measurement System (example)

Frequency range 1G~110GHz
Rx antenna Waveguide probe
Equipment Vector Network Analyzer
Standard IEEE STD 1720TM-2012
Coordinate system Cylindrical
Antenna Tower height 2 ~ 4m (0.1mm step)
AZ positioner Infinity・Finity (0.01deg.)
Option Coordinate : Planer, Spherical

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