
Microwave Factory and Schmid & Partner Engineering Sign Distributor Agreement

Microwave Factory Co.,Ltd (Headquarters: Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan; President: Toshiyasu Tanaka; hereinafter referred to as "Microwave Factory") has signed a distributor agreement with Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland; hereinafter referred to as " SPEAG "), the leading developer and manufacturer of electromagnetic (EM) near field evaluation systems including specific absorption rate ( SAR ) and power density test compliance assessment scanners . From December 1, 2023, Microwave Factory will begin sales and support of SPEAG’s advanced numerical tools and instrumentation in Japan.


Background and Overview

There is an increasing number of devices equipped with wireless communication functions not only smartphones and laptops but also home appliances and medical devices that need to meet Japanese radiofreque ncy ( RF regulation s and must be tested for SAR compliance in Japan for sale s i n the domestic market. The SAR is a measure used around the world to assess the rate at which energy is absorbed by a human body when exposed to RF EM waves SAR testing of wireless communication devices is mandatory to ensure that exposure emitted from these devices is compliant with existing exposure guidelines.


Microwave Factory has supplied many RF measurement system from R&D to the production phase. Th e new distributor agreement and associated representation of SPEAG’s unique product portfolio will allow us to offer a wider range of technical support and wireless performance testing performance testing services.


SPEAG Key Products

-DASY8 Modules SAR, APD, mmWave, WPT, HAC : scanning p latform for RF compliance

-DASY8 Module R&D: G eneral purpose near field scanner

-cSAR3D: F ast SAR measurement system

-ICEy: Automated near field scanning for EM interference and compatibility (EMI/EMC)

-OH4VNA: Optical head for non disturbing S 11 measurement

-MAGPy: Handheld m agnetic a mplitude and g radient p robe s ystem for exposure

assessments <10 MHz

-DAK: Dielectric measurement system

-OTA Phantom s : Body simulators for RF testing

-SEMCAD X/Sim4Life: High performance multi physics computational platforms for wireless and medical applications


About Microwave Factory Co.,Ltd

Microwave Factory provide total-solution test systems and support expertise to address the most advanced emerging wireless technologies. Today's highly-electronic society keeps progressing and the relationship between communication devices and humans has become closer than ever before. This drastic proliferation of wireless communications devices will enrich our lives but the safety of the radio waves emitted by these devices is a growing concern.


About Schmid & Partner Engineering AG(SPEAG)

SPEAG was founded in 1994 as a spin out from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich The company offers the Dosimetric Assessment System (DASY), the de facto standard in the telecommunications industry, and other advanced, efficient, and reliable test equipment for the evaluation of EM fields in complex environments such as close to and within the human body , at frequencies from a few kHz up to 110 GHz . Typical applications include EM safety and design optimization of wireless devices , magnetic resonance imaging scanners and medical implants.

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